HIRR | Britt Gill
How are you feeling?
It really is a roller coaster of emotions all day every day. To be honest, the best way to describe me right now is fired up yet calm.... I am fired up to take this time to work on some creative projects and side hustles that I have let fall to the wayside by taking so many shoots on BUT on the other hand, I am also fired up by this situation we are in and that our rights and freedoms are being taken away in front of our very eyes… With that being said I am noticing the silver linings and feel I have prepared my whole life for this time, so there's that. :)

How are you staying connected to your body? Or, How are you keeping your body in movement?
As fired up as I can get, I know how to harmonize my own body which I feel lucky for, I try to find an area in my body that feels particularly stuck or strained and focus on the feeling in that area for a few minutes. If I can’t find the exact area of stagnancy I go straight to the heart space. I learned a few meditations from Heart Math which are all about creating body coherence.
Every afternoon I spend 1 - 4 hours out in nature somehow. I will walk or run or find a nice welcoming tree to do some stretches on. I am really appreciating these nature dates. They help me transmute and digest some of the stirred up anxiety that bubbles up on the daily. I also have a newfound love for virtual workouts -- I never thought I would be on board but the first live class I joined actually brought tears; the humanity in people is so impressive in times of intense pressure.

What are you doing to manage your mind?
I am writing a lot. I have always made google documents for everything, ideas I have, things that worry and infuriate me, inspiration I receive, furniture I want in my dream house etc etc. These lists and documents help my mind become open and clear for new information and inspiration. I find when I don’t keep up this practice, I often feel stuck. I had this epiphany for myself the other day when it comes to the creative process; when inputs are greater than outputs, that is when anxiety or illness strikes for me -- there is a fine balance between taking in inspiration and transmuting that into artwork.

Where are you finding inspiration?
I love old books, magazines & social media for inspiration. Specifically instagram and Pinterest. I have designed my devices to work for me and not the reverse. I am pretty picky about who I follow and what imagery I interact with so the algorithm is well trained to only show me what I want to see more of. I like to follow all different forms of artists, sculptors, architects, painters, fashion designers etc. I think it's important to get inspiration beyond your specific skill set or set of gifts.

What are you reading, watching, listening to?
This is always changing. I have a science degree which not many people know, so right now I am reading scientific journals and watching videos of scientists and doctors talking about Covid-19. But in a more normal life circumstance I am listening to and/or reading business podcasts and self help. I am obsessed with quantum theory and the physics of the mind and consciousness; the merging of science and spirituality is so interesting to me. Conventional science could never explain mystical experiences to me but the quantum world is where the magic is allowed!

How are you staying nourished?
Local CSA’s and cooking at home a lot. We have been doing community supported agriculture orders from Harvest Community Foods and that has been so fun! Every week you get whatever is fresh and growing locally, they send you sample recipes on how to play with new veggies as well so that has been such a joy for me! I have always supported local and shopped small but this situation has amplified the importance in a new way.

What changes do you want to contribute to as a result of these unique times?
I want to contribute to the collective truth by being in my own truth. I do this personally by checking into my soul and the path it has carved out for me. The best way for me to get into this space is journaling*, nature, exercise, meditation or simply being alone anywhere without any distractions.

Is there a piece of art, or form of art that you are finding yourself drawn to at this time?
I think poetry & writing. I feel spiritually jolted right now so I have been looking to others to express more eloquently how I feel. I have been resonating with many people and their powerful messaging online…

**Images I shared
Many of the images I shared reflect where I am at, they are a mix of travel nostalgia, isolation, appreciating stillness, focusing on the home and appreciating the beauty of nature.