HIRR | Jacki Carr
Jacki Carr is a goal coach, motivational speaker and writer. As a leader in transformation, she works with people to amplify their voices and expand their vision and goals to better the future of the World.

If you were to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?

When do you feel most at home in your body?
I feel at most at home in my body when I am aligned to and offering up my purpose - this can be on a coaching call with a client, leading a goals workshop on a stage or zoom and especially right now 35 weeks pregnant with my third daughter where I am a literal home to another being.

What’s your favourite way to move?
The past three years dance has been calling to me so I do The Class in my living room!

How do you keep yourself nourished?
I married a man that loves to cook, so hat tip to myself there. And nourishment these days also includes good sleep hygiene, keeping myself hydrated and working with a naturopath.

Where do you find inspiration?
My children and their appetite for all of life, my commitment to communication, partnership and our future vision with my partner, mother nature and her rhythms, my friendships and their rhythms, in a library book (I love a real book in bed), in my TOGETHER community and oh, when I am moved to tears as there is always something there.

How do you manage your mind?
I believe the work I have done to connect to my own body has been the most powerful portal to the mind as the body is always responding to thought and the feelings provide information, access and choice.

What are you currently reading, watching, listening to?
I just finished 'Why Sleep Matters' by Matthew Walker and will be embarking on 'Cultish: the Language of Fanaticism' by Amanda Montell. I just finished watching 'The School of Chocolate' on Netflix. And I listen to the On Being podcast.

What are you most excited about at this present moment?
I am most excited about expansion. The expansion of my home where I live and my home within - in all the ways as we invite a new baby in March and my identity and family shift yet again. And expansion as a global collective because we must.